Commandline UsageΒΆ

Look for image files below the current directory, inspect them and store the obtained provenance metadata.

provenance discover .

Run a transformation command and log it as provenance for the new file:

provenance record mcflirt -in t1flip_all_orig -out t1all_reg -refvol 0

Alternatively, log the provenance after running the command:

provenance log 'motion correction' --new fmri-3dmc.nii --parent fmri.nii

Publish provenance of known files for subject ‘John Doe’ as an html file.

provenance report --subject "John Doe" --html

Register a file to the provenance database without inspecting it:

provenance add 'motionvars.mat'

Rename dicom files that don’t have an extension (or niprov ignores them):

provenance rename /raw_data/dicoms/

List files marked for approval:

provenance todo

Approve a file:

provenance approve /path/to/myfile.img