niprov.config module

class niprov.config.Configuration(configFilePath='~/niprov.cfg')

Bases: object

General settings for niprov.

Individual settings are documented as follows;

setting = default_value
type - Explanation.

The settings can be changed in the configuration file, or in code.

All settings:

attach = False

bool: Attach provenance to image files. For nifti files for instance, this means inserting a header extension with serialized provenance. See ‘attach_format’ to configure which data format is used.

attach_format = 'json'

string: Format in which to attach provenance to the file. One of ‘json’, or ‘xml’. For example, if set to ‘json’ and the ‘attach’ option is True, this will add a header extension to nifti files created with the relevant provenance data in json format.

database_type = 'file'

str: Type of backend in which to store provenance. Currently only ‘file’ or ‘MongoDB’

database_url = '~/provenance.json'

str: URL of the database. If database-type is file, this is the path to the file.

discover_file_extensions = ['.PAR', '.dcm', '.fif', '.cnt']

list: Discover uses this to determine which files to include. Not strictly extensions, can be any string that appears in the file name. Use comma’s to separate items.

dryrun = False

bool: Do not execute commands or make lasting changes to the provenance database.

user = ''

string: Name of the user creating provenance. If not provided, will be determined based on OS information or as passed as an argument to the provenance operation. See also niprov.users

verbosity = 'info'

string: Level of information to report. One of ‘debug’,’info’,’warning’, ‘error’. Any level includes higher levels, i.e. ‘info’ will log messages of that are deemed ‘info’, ‘warning’ or ‘error’.